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Sinar Nusantara acquires 5.94% stake in Resources Alam (KKGI)

05 Jun 2024 15:59

At the end of May, the coal mining company PT Resource Alam Indonesia Tbk (KKGI) welcomed a new foreign investor, Sinar Nusantara Sdn Bhd. On Friday, May 31, approximately 296.96 million shares of this coal mining company were purchased, making Sinar Nusantara the new owner of 5.94% of the shares. In addition, Dimas Adiarso Putro purchased 53.78 million shares of PT Anugerah Spareparts Sejahtera Tbk (AEGS), an issuer in the motor vehicle filter industry, to acquire a new 5.35% stake.

Sinar Nusantara acquires 5.94% stake in Resources Alam (KKGI)

Sejahtera Raya transfers 25 million Indomobil (IMAS) shares to Trimegah Sekuritas

05 Jun 2024 10:35

On Wednesday, May 29, up to 25 million shares of the automotive company PT Indomobil Sukses Internasional Tbk (IMAS) traded hands. PT Sejahtera Raya Perkasa, which owns 10.1% of IMAS, transferred the shares to PT Trimegah Sekuritas Indonesia Tbk, which now also owns approximately 10.14% of the shares. Aside from that, PT Metro Pacific Tollways Indonesia acquired nearly 80 million shares of PT Nusantara Infrastructure Tbk (META), a construction contractor, increasing the controlling share percentage from 95.92% to 95.97%.

Sejahtera Raya transfers 25 million Indomobil (IMAS) shares to Trimegah Sekuritas

Foreign buying and selling volumes reach fantastic figures, net foreign volume drops to -3.94 billion shares

03 Jun 2024 17:17

On Friday, May 31, share buying and selling transactions by foreign investors reached astounding numbers, with foreign buying volume at 12.72 billion shares and foreign selling volume at 16.67 billion shares. The high amount of foreign sell volume led to a drop in the net foreign volume to -3.94 billion shares. The digital company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO) was the company with the most shares sold, namely 7.34 billion shares, with a net volume of -2.88 billion shares.

Foreign buying and selling volumes reach fantastic figures, net foreign volume drops to -3.94 billion shares