BBCA - PT. Bank Central Asia Tbk

Rp 9.125

+200 (+2,24%)

JAKARTA - PT BCA Finance will offer Shelf Registration Bonds III Phase II worth Rp 1.5 trillion, and the proceeds will be used to expand the credit distribution.

Santi Suryandari, Director of PT Danareksa Securities stated that the company would have bonds offering period on September 26, 2019-October 11, 2019. The bonds is targeted to be listed in IDX on November 6, 2019.

Shelf Registration Bonds will have three series, A to C within a time period about 1-3 years. Series A will be offered with 2.6%-6.8% of coupon rate per 367 days, series B will be offered with 6.5%-7.1% coupon rate per annum maturing in two years, and series C will be offered with 7%-7.8% of coupon rate per annum maturing within three years. (LK/W)