PZZA - PT. Sarimelati Kencana Tbk

Rp 130

-5 (-4,00%)

JAKARTA - PT Sarimelati Kencana Tbk (PZZA) will open new outlets in several cities outside of Java Island in 2020. This year, the company has opened four additional stores in four cities - Tarakan, Solo, Purwakarta, and Dumai.

Joe Sasanto, Director Commercial PT Sarimelati Kencana Tbk (PZZA) stated that they planned to open a new additional store in the next year, but the location cannot be disclosed at this time. "As for the new areas, I am still not able to convey it, because Mr. Budi Setiawan and his team are analysing it; there are some candidates that we have already visited, and they indeed looks potential, but we cannot disclose this now. What I can disclose is, we always try to find new cities with some potentials every year, because actually, the economic development of these new areas is pretty good lately, especially outside Java island," he said.

In November 2019, PZZA managed about 501 stores, about 50 outlets more from 451 stores recorded in the previous December 2018. The stores location were mostly in Jabodetabek, Java, Bali, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, and in the East Indonesia. (LK/W)