WOWS - PT. Ginting Jaya Energi Tbk

Rp 48

+1 (+2,00%)

JAKARTA - PT Ginting Jaya Energi Tbk (WOWS) conducted an initial public offering (IPO) by issuing 750 shares or equivalent with 30.29%. The period of this conducted IPO was on October 2-14, 2019.

Hadi Pranggono, Head of Investment Banking PT MNC Sekuritas, Lead Underwriter of WOWS IPO, stated that the IPO proceeds would be used to purchase rigs, yard workshop, leasing repayment and working capital. "It is the commitment for the guarantee of this IPO, and the utilised financial report is the period of April 30, 2019," he said.

The IPO was conducted at a price of Rp 450 per share and the proceeds amount was Rp 337.50 billion. The underwriter of this IPO are PT Jasa Utama Capital Sekuritas, PT Indosurya Bersinar Sekuritas, and PT NH Korindo. (LK/W)