TDPM - PT. Tianrong Chemicals Industry Tbk

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JAKARTA - PT Tridomain Performance Materials Tbk (TDPM) expects the shares trading suspension revoked in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) no later than the end of Q1 2023.

In public expose in Jakarta (1/2), Stephanus Ardhanova, President Director of PT Tridomain Performance Materials Tbk (TDPM) said that he was having intense discussions with the Financial Services Authority(OJK) regarding the stock trading suspension. "We hope that the suspension will be lifted soon, so we can trade shares again," he said.

According to him, his party will improve the business lines, including the implementation of goodcorporate governance (GCG) to meet the requests of the OJK and the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) as regulators.

"All public companies must have good governance. So, we have to follow it properly, because without it, we are a mess and will be less acceptable for public.," he said. His party will immediately submit the Financial Report 2022. This report will be submitted no later than June 2023 or six months after the reporting period as of December 2022. (LK/W)