YULE - PT. Yulie Sekuritas Indonesia Tbk

Rp 2.710

+10 (+0,37%)

JAKARTA - PT Yulie Sekuritas Indonesia Tbk (YULE) is optimistic to reap revenue growth this year, surpassing performance achievements in 2022.

Agustinus Sumandar, Director of YULE, said that the company planned to grow the company similar to last year. "At least it's the same as in 2022, even more so," he said in a public expose, in Jakarta, Friday(5/5).

According to him, YULE's business growth target is measurable and systematic in stages. It is trying all the resources to achieve growth achievements as in the previous year. In 2022, this issuer posted revenue of IDR 74.96 billion, sloping from 2021 revenue of IDR 103.52 billion, and growing high from 2020 minus IDR 1.64 billion. Profit for the year was recorded at IDR 56.40 billion,
lower than 2021's profit of IDR 79.80 billion, and soaring from 2020 at loss of IDR 7.24 billion.

According to Sumandar, the decline in YULE's revenue in 20202 was due to a change in the unrealized gain value of the company's securities portfolio to IDR 62.64 billion, from IDR 100.15 billion. On theother hand, income from securities trading brokerage activities amounted to IDR 2.11 billion, growing 82.20% from IDR 1.16 billion. Dividend and interest income jumped 362% to IDR 10.15 billion from IDR2.19 billion. (LK/W)