Date | Wednesday, August 15, 2018 |
Venue | Auditorium 5th floor, INTA HQ Building Cakung Cilincing Road KM 3.5 North Jakarta |
Time | 14:00 (GMT+7) |
Agenda | - Ratification of Merger the shares nominal value of the Company (StockSwap)
- Ratification and Confirmation of the Conversion Shares Price in order to exercise a Commercial Court decision in North Jakarta District Court, which has been homologated with the Case No. 123 / PDT.SUS.PKPU / 2017 / PNNIAGA / JKT.PST dated April 10, 2018 by conducting PMTHMETD under POJK.38 / 2014
- Approval on the Amendment of Article 4 of Articles of Association concerning the change of the authorised Capital and the shares nominal value
- Approval of the Company Limited Public Offering of the Capital increase with Pre-emptive Rights ("PMTHMETD") in accordance with POJK No.32 / POJK.04 / 2015 concerning the Capital increase of Public Company with Pre-emptive Rights (Rights issue), including the Issuance of Series I Warrants and amending the Article 4 of the Company's Articles of Association.
- Changes in the Board member composition
IBFN - PT. Intan Baru Prana Tbk
Rp 11
-1 (-8,00%)